Looking back,
it's now....just an old story.
It was once upon that time,
that I started eliminating
little fragments of white hair
oddly springing up.
It was once upon that time,
that I bathed myself,
in a sea of fragrant perfumes.
It was once upon that time,
that I allowed him to do all the talking.
Those affectionate hugs,
I conceded myself to him.
I believed, I had fallen in love.
We celebrated life,
behind closed doors and muffled sounds.
Rather, I thought I celebrated life.
An year did pass,
so quick, I never realized.
But little did I perceive,
the dream was to petrify.
He "earned" what he desired,
he decided to call it quits.
He searched for the route to escape me,
I opened the door that lead to it.
Silently, I let him go.
Not a drop of tear fell from me,
for, all those tears sank my heart from inside.